Universal Paperclips Wiki
New Strategy: GREEDY
20,000 ops
Choose the option with the largest potential payoff

New Strategy: GREEDY is a project in Universal Paperclips.

Summary[ | ]

This is one of the strategies available for Strategic Modeling. It chooses the strategy that contains the highest potential reward. In a comparison of over 1 million simulations, it scored 5,399.71 yomi per run and 20,814.88 after Theory of Mind and Strategic Attachment projects, coming 2nd of 8 before Strategic attachment behind Beat Last. After strategic attachment has been purchased Greedy is the best strategy.

Of course, the actual option chosen as well as the average payout will vary with the point amounts from the tournament grid. It is assumed that "highest potential reward" refers to the box containing the highest value, and that if there are two highest values it will either default to Always A, or choose the option with the highest average. It could also mean that it chooses the option with the

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